Cele mai noi anunturi din judetul Bucuresti
Service GSM Apple iPhone 0769 897 194 Bogdan Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou vers 4.1 4.2 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G
14 Eur - Tel: 0769897194 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone 0769 897 194 Bogdan Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou vers 4.1 4.2 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G
14 Eur - Tel: 0769897194 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone 0769 897 194 Bogdan Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou vers 4.1 4.2 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G
14 Eur - Tel: 0769897194 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone 0769 897 194 Bogdan Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou vers 4.1 4.2 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G
13 Ron - Tel: 0769897194 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
* WIFI 802.11 b g * Dual sim dual standby * display 3.5 inch touch screen de inalta rezolutie 320x480px * camera foto 2MP (1600x1200) cu blitz camera fata VGA * Agenda proprie 500 de numere * Slide to unlock
549 - Tel: 0765311335 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
1.3.2 inch touch screen 260k QVGA PX 240*320 2.300 group contacts 3.T Flash Card Suphporting built in 2GB memory support to extend TF card to 4GB maximally 4.Camera for Picture Video 5.Stereo Loud speaker 64 chord ring tone 6. MP3 MP4
379 - Tel: 0765311335 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
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220 Ron - Tel: 0734707775 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
telefon dual sim versace u6 nou functioneaza in orice retea trimit in tara prin curierat detalii www.2xsim.com PRet 399 lei
399 - Tel: 0765577346 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
replica nokia e72 dual sim model nou pret 349 lei Trimit in tara prin curierat verificare colet PRet 350 lei Detalii www.2xsim.com
350 - Tel: 0765577346 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
vand nokia 7310 second hand stare impecabila cutie cu toate accesoriile garantie
250 Ron - Tel: 0766624814 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Bucuresti 3G 3GS 2G Repar iPhone Bucuresti 3G 3GS 2G soft hard DECODARE iPhone 4.1 Resoftare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 Resoftez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.0 pe loc prin cablu Decodare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Decodez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Resoftare iPhone 3GS 2G 4 Resoftez iPhone 4.1 3GS 3G 2G 4 garantat pe loc Prin cablu de date Decodare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Decodez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G absolut orice versiune firmware Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 4.0.2 Deblochez
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Reparatii iPhone Bucuresti 4 3GS 2G hardware software Resoftari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 3.1 4.0.2 DECODARI iPhone orice versiune de soft Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Resoftare iPhone 3GS 3G 4 2G Resoftez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 pe loc prin cablu de date orice versiune 4.0.2 4.1 Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Decodare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 Decodez iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G 4.1 ACUM orice versiune firmware pe loc prin cablu de date Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Deblocare iPhone 4 4.1 3G S 2G Deblochez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G orice versiune firmware inclsiv 4.1 Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Decodari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Deblocari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G cu orice versiune de soft garantat 4.0.2 sau chiar 4.1 Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Decodare Apple iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 pe loc prin cablu de date Service Apple iPhone Bucuresti Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Deblochez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G absolut orice versiune firmware Resoftare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.0.2 4.1 Resoft
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Schimb TOUCHSCREEN iPhone 3GS 3G 0765.45.46.44 Operatiunea se face pe loc numai cu piese originale Schimb buton home silent inlocuiesc baterie etc... REPARATII iPhone HARDWARE SI SOFTWARE pentru Apple iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G orice problema
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Schimb TOUCHSCREEN iPhone 3GS 3G 0765.45.46.44 Operatiunea se face pe loc numai cu piese originale Schimb buton home silent inlocuiesc baterie etc... REPARATII iPhone HARDWARE SI SOFTWARE pentru Apple iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G orice problema
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Operatiunea se face pe loc numai cu piese originale Schimb buton home silent inlocuiesc baterie etc... REPARATII iPhone HARDWARE SI SOFTWARE pentru Apple iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G orice problema DECODARI DEBLOCARI RESOFTARI Apple iPhone
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Operatiunea se face pe loc numai cu piese originale Schimb buton home silent inlocuiesc baterie etc... REPARATII iPhone HARDWARE SI SOFTWARE pentru Apple iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G orice problema DECODARI DEBLOCARI RESOFTARI Apple iPhone
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Reparatii iPhone Contact Vali 0762.176.616 0731.293.440 sau Id Mess service_gsm87 iPhone 3g iPhone 3gs iPhone 4 Reparatii iPhone Decodare Deblocare Activare Inlocuire Touch Screen si Lcd Display Inlocuir
12 Ron - Tel: 0731293440 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Resoftare iPhone 3GS 3G 4 2G Resoftez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 pe loc prin cablu de date orice versiune 4.0.2 4.1 Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
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